

Hardwood timber and edge-glued panels manufacturing technology

Lafor’s hardwood timber and edge-glued panels processing technology.

Hardwood timber processing technology.

Lafor utilizes band saws for primary and secondary log itemization, assisted by skilled personnel for accuracy and maximum utilization of hardwood timber resources. Our comprehensive hardwood timber manufacturing process is contained under roofs to protect and enhance the natural color of the wood we saw, steam, and dry. Lafor utilizes the latest technology for steaming and drying its hardwood timber products.


Edge-glued timber processing technology

Lafor has built a reputation as an industry leader in the production of hardwood edge-glued panels, flooring planks, and stair treads. To maintain and improve this position, Lafor has evolved its operation to include two modern production lines: one for production of the edge-glued panels and another for production of semi-machined components, flooring planks, and stair treads. One of the lines utilizes the latest technology in the production of hardwood edge-glued panels and focuses on the need for high quality, close tolerance, and large production runs. Our second line has been designed to produce flooring planks, stair treads, and other specialty items. This line provides our operators with the flexibility to meet our customers’ most stringent requirements.


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